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exfoliation 101

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. There's many ways in which you can exfoliate your skin, we like using our agave cloth and sustainably harvested sea sponges.

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. There's many ways in which you can exfoliate your skin, we like using our agave cloth and sustainably harvested sea sponges.

How does exfoliation work?

Your skin cells renew approximately every 30 days by naturally shedding dead skin. When the dead cells don't shed off completely, your skin can end up dry, flakey and clogged. We created a simple guide below to educate you on the why, the how, do's and don't of exfoliation.

 why you should exfoliate

  • Promotes healthy skin-cell turnover to give you smoother, more even, glowy skin
  • The products you use afterwards will sink into your skin more evenly and deeply
  • The key to healthy skin is maintaining your barrier function. The purpose of your skin's barrier is to keep moisture inside your skin and keep air pollutants, chemicals and free radicals out of your skin. If the barrier of your skin becomes weakened due to excess dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and pollution — your skin is more prone to irritation, breakouts, blotchiness, dryness and even infections. 

how to exfoliate:

  • To figure out your skin's perfect exfoliation balance, take it slow at first. The moment your skin starts to feel irritated or stripped down and dry, decrease the amount of exfoliation. 
  • Immerse your body in warm water to help open up your pores and soften any hardened skin on your body. 
  • Get a textured sponge to scrub on your skin in small circular motions. We like the softness of the sea sponge and the texture of our agave cloths. Both are great for sensitive skin. 
  • Start at the ankle and work your way up to encourage positive blood circulation during the exfoliation process. 
  • Apply a moisturizer post exfoliation. We love our nourishing oils to lock in moisture and make your skin as smooth as possible 

the do's

  • Know your skin. If you are sensitive skin exfoliate less, if you have skin made out of steel, you can increase your weekly exfoliation frequency
  • Natural sea sponges have been used for generations as an exfoliator and cleanser for the skin. Sea sponges are gentle on the skin, highly absorbent and pliable. Their texture helps to create a lather with your favourite soap products, while also sloughing away dead skin - leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 

the dont's

  • Over exfoliating will strip away your skin’s protective barrier, leaving it more vulnerable to sun damage and dryness. 
  • Scrub too hard on your skin. You could end up with skin irritation and redness.


What is your favourite exfoliating ritual? 

And enjoy some of our favourite exfoliating products