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the most common mistakes when switching to a safety razor

The first shave using a single blade from multiple blades might feel as intimidating, but it really shouldn't be - so we have pulled together some of the most common mistakes when switching to a safety razor.

The first shave using a single blade from multiple blades might feel as intimidating as the first time you learn to ride a bike. But it absolutely shouldn't! With a bit of guidance, the transition can be extremely simple and nick-free. 

From our own experiences and feedback we’ve pulled together some common mistakes for you so you can avoid making them yourself -- see this as the training wheels guide to becoming confident and satisfied switching from a multi-blade to a single blade razor. 

Common Mistake #1 — Not prepping your hair follicles and skin

With your average plastic multi-blade razor, the first blade cuts the hair, whereas the second, third and fourth blades take layers of skin off - increasing the chances of ingrown hairs and irritation. Whereas, a single edge blade sweeps on top of your skin, cutting your hair while minimizing skin irritation. The best way to prep your skin is to have the hair follicles softened for an easier and more seamless shave by immersing yourself in warm water a few minutes before you shave. We also recommend exfoliating the intended area of hair removal to prep the skin from getting any ingrown hairs and smoothing out any bumps on your skin. 

Common Mistakes #2 — Not using shave soap or oil when shaving 

Using only water, or dry shaving, can definitely increase your risk of skin irritation, bumps, and ingrown hairs. Create a thick lather with your shave soap and cover the entire intended shaving area. If you’re using a shave oil, rub the shave oil in your hands to warm it up first and then cover the entire circumference of your intended shave area. This will moisturize and protect, creating a barrier between the single blade razor and your skin. 

Common Mistake #3 — Using pressure 


If you’re used to multi blades I’m sure you are used to pressing down on your disposable razor to get the closest shave possible. Our safety razors are weighted to ensure you don’t have to use any pressure, simply glide along your skin. Adding any additional weight can potentially cause you to nick and scar your skin. Take the pressure off and let your safety razor do the work. 


Common Mistake #4 — Going over the same area multiple times in a row

A single blade razor is sharp and is only intended to go over the area of hair removal once or twice. You may feel tempted to glide your safety razor along your skin multiple times but trust us that once is enough to remove any hair. If there are some patches, you can go over those areas afterwards. Going over the same spot on your skin multiple times will take off the moisturized layer of your skin, leaving it dry and prone to irritation. 

Common Mistake #5 — Shaving against the grain only

Shaving against the grain is much harsher and can cause irritation and razor burn, particularly where skin is thin and sensitive. For your armpits and bikini line, go with the grain on your first pass and then do a second pass going across the grain if you feel comfortable. For your legs, you can go against the grain once and if you left any extra hairs, go across the grain. 

Common Mistake #6 — Not changing our your razor blade 

Using a dull razor blade will increase your chances of skin irritation and leave you with patches of hair that haven’t been removed. It also entices you to use more pressure with the dull blade, thus cause more irritation on the skin. Having a sharp razor blade is key to avoiding razor burn and ingrown hairs. We recommend swapping your razor blade for a fresh one every 5-7 shaves. 

Common Mistake #7 Not rinsing your razor blade every few strokes 

We suggest you rinse out any stuck hair or oil/soap from your safety razor every 3-5 strokes and more if you have more coarse hair. Your hair, dead skin and shave oil/soap can clog up the razor making it impossible to get a clean shave with every stroke. 

Common Mistake #8 — Speed shaving 

I know what it’s like when you have 15 minutes to shower and run out the door to make an appointment but at the cost of your skin, it isn’t worth rushing. Consider shaving with your safety razor a mini ritual and set aside 5-10 minutes to properly prep and consciously go over your intended area of hair removal for the best outcome. Speed shaving leads to nicks, scarring, patches of hair missed and dry skin.

I know the above tips can sound like a lot and old habits die hard, but after a few tries I promise that prepping your skin, shaving along the best grain, using shave soap or shave oil, not applying any pressure, swapping out dull blades for sharp blades and turning speed shaving into a ritual will transform your shaving experience and leave your skin MUCH happier.