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all you need to know about shaving your bikini line

all you need to know about shaving your bikini line with a safety razor

Let me preface by saying everyone’s skin is different. What works for one might not work for others.
I also don’t want to impose the idea that shaving is the best or only way to address your bikini line. I would, however, like to mention that using a safety razor on your bikini line is far less irritating than shaving with the multi-blade cartridges you’re most likely used to. Switching to a well kept razor and using the following tips will have you beach ready without having to fear dreaded ingrowns and razor burn…

  • Try to go over each area as few times as possible. Take your time and be precise. No need to apply pressure, the weight of our brass handled razor will do all the work for you.
  • Shave with the grain. If it’s not quite close enough for your liking, try a second pass perpendicular to the grain. Avoid shaving against the grain as it will irritate the skin.
  • Spend a few minutes in the shower or bath allowing hair to soften, but avoid shaving after a long steamy shower or extended soak in the tub.
  • I shave my bikini line with an oil rather than soap, but this was discovered through trial and error. While oil is my preference for my nether regions, I use soap to shave my legs. Take the time to figure out what works best for you. Everyone is different so you can always try both the oil and soap!
  • A safety razor works well whether you’re a french bikini kinda girl or like to go fully bare down there. If it’s the latter we recommend squatting to get at the hard to reach areas rather than yogi-like acrobatics that involve propping your leg higher than your head on the shower wall. Or if you’re in the tub, simply using the ledge works well too.
  • When you get out of the shower or tub either drip dry or gently pat down recently shaved parts.
  • Moisturize daily with a light, natural oil to keep sky hydrated and hair follicles open - our ingrown oil is both preventative and curative.
  • Last, but definitely not least, avoid putting underwear on for as long as possible. Hang out in your bathrobe, or, if you do have to leave the house, go commando. I swear this makes all the difference. I tend to go underwear free for at least 24 hours. If that’s not your style, try to avoid under wear with hard seams and/or elastics, a seamless lace number is the next best thing to nothing at all.

That’s it! Again, remember that everyone’s skin is different. Make sure you take the time to figure out what works best for you.