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how to set up your safety razor

Although the safety razor may seem intimidating, once you get to know it, you'll quickly realize that it really isn't! 

We are so glad you've decided to make the switch, and want to make the transition as smooth as possible (pun intended). Below are your step by step instructions on how to step up your safety razor, and tips on how to shave with it. Always feel free to ask us any questions 

setting up safety razor


Your solid brass razor is comprised of three pieces to which you’ll add a fourth (the blade). I like to set up & change the blade of my razor before I hop into the shower or bath - dry hands make the whole process easier.

First, unscrew the handle by holding the handle of your razor in one hand, and gripping the head of the razor in the other - be sure to pinch from the top and bottom. Unscrew the handle from the head and gently lay the pieces down.

If you’re changing out the blade this is a great time to give all three pieces a good rinse in soapy water (I usually use a bit of dish soap which cuts the oil no problem).

Putting it back together is simple. First place the blade onto the top cover (piece 1) with the spokes going through the holes in the blade (piece 2). Next, position piece 3 on top of the blade. The most important part here is to ensure the spacers are touching the blade (the elevated ridges across piece 3). 

If you place this piece backwards you’ll find it impossible to shave, as the blade won’t ever touch your skin.

setting up safety razor

Finally, screw the handle back into place. Remember to hold the head steady from the top and bottom rather than the sides in order to avoid pinching the blade (which will be brand new and sharp!).

Voila! Your razor is ready for action!

Here is a video of how to set up the safety razor.



1 – take your time

This holds true whether you’re using a safety razor or your old multi-blade cartridge razor. You’re most likely to nick yourself if you’re in a rush, instead, consider shaving as a mini self care ritual.

2 – steam & exfoliate

For your best shave, make sure your skin is warm and exfoliated. I like to shave at the end of my shower after thoroughly exfoliating. Think of exfoliating as a mini massage and don’t skimp on it. Not only does it unclog pores and soften hair, it also feels amazing!

3 – apply shave oil or soap

I personally prefer to use shave oil as it moisturizes simultaneously, but everyone’s different! I know lots of people who prefer soap - figure out what works best for you. I usually focus on one area at a time rather than trying to lather up all areas I plan to shave at once. I rub a small pea size amount of my shave oil in, then quickly rinse my hands with soap to make sure I can get a good grip on my razor handle.

4 – don’t apply any pressure

well kept safety razors are made of solid brass and have a beautiful weight to them. This means that all you have to do is gently glide the razor over your skin and let its weight apply the pressure for you. You’ll find out what works best for you in terms of how you hold the razor, but a good rule of thumb is to position the razor at a 30 degree angle or less.

5 – go with the grain

At least to start! Shaving against the grain is much harsher and can cause serious irritation and razor burn particularly where skin is thin and sensitive (bikini line, I’m looking at you!). Depending on how close you get with your first pass, you can do a second with the grain, across the grain or against the grain. It all depends on the area you’re shaving and your particular skin and hair.

legs – I go against the grain right off the bat. The skin on my legs isn’t particularly sensitive and I find I can get a really close shave with just one pass.

armpits – I go with the grain on my first pass, then pull skin taught and do a second pass against the grain applying ZERO pressure.

bikini area – First pass with the grain and a second pass going across the grain rather than against it.

6 – keep razor clean

Every few passes I like to rinse out my razor head. I grasp the razor head from the top and bottom and loosen it a half turn. I then either run it under the shower or swish it through a small bowl of water to make sure I remove all the buildup (hair, skin, oil, gunk, etc). Keeping your blade clean and sharp is key in avoiding irritation.

7 – keep blade sharp

When I ask people how often they change their razor blade they usually answer avoiding eye contact at all costs. This is for one of two reasons, either they’re lying, or they know the timeframe they’re giving me is totally outrageous. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Almost everyone I’ve ever spoken to doesn’t change their razor blade often enough, but as of now I want you to change that. Keeping your razor blade sharp is INTEGRAL to avoiding razor burn and ingrown hairs.

Here is a video of how to shave with the safety razor


Enjoy your shave (yes, it can be enjoyable)!